for jey.....
thank you so much for all the times we have spent together...
thank you so much for all the advices you have given me...
thank you so much for all the attention you have paid to me...
thank you so much for all the listening ears you have offered...
i miss you and i love you, baby...
we have come so far and for this period of times we have become so close, and value every moments before you fly away. now that you are no longer on my side, i have lost my sense of mental direction. i don't know who to turn to now, who to heed advices from now, who to even talk open-heartedly to. i don't know why, but god has made me to choose you among the rest, and i thank him for that as wise decision made. i precious all the sharing we did and let's continue this so long our hearts still open to one and another.